Christopher Brainerd blogs about his journey into Buddhism

This is a collection of Christopher Brainerd's ramblings written as a novice student of Buddhism.
My primary practice is Jodo Shinshu, yet I ramble on many spiritual topics.
Some of what follows is original, some are quotes or summations for which I provide the source.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Abandon earthy things

"The gate to the Pure Land is always open, and there is nothing to obstruct the entrance. It is easy to go there, yet there are hardly any who gain entrance to it. If they abandon the mundane life and make an effort to seek the way, they will gain eternal life and will have endless happiness.

However, people are thoughtless and struggle for immediate but unimportant matters. Living in the great evil and suffering of this world, they concern themselves with worldly affairs, keeping themselves barely alive. All worry about money, rich and poor. They are bogged down by mounting sorrows, pains, and worries. Driven by these, they have no peace of mind. They worry about houses, fields, cows, horses, servants, wealth, food, clothing, household things. Moreover, when these possessions are swept away by floods, burned up in fires, stolen by thieves, destroyed by enemies, or confiscated by creditors, poisonous worries press upon them and there is no detoxication. Anger clots into worry, and the mind becomes hardened and does not function well. When misfortune and death come, one must go alone, with none to follow. The high and wealthy too cannot escape. There is no end to worries and fears and there is not even a pause. Living through cold and heat, they are immersed in pain.

Therefore, you must abandon all earthy things, while still young and healthy, try to cultivate the good (love), and seek to attain eternal life. If you are not seeking the path, what can you rely on with which to find happiness?"

-Sukhavati-vyuha Sutra (Pure Land)

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