Christopher Brainerd blogs about his journey into Buddhism

This is a collection of Christopher Brainerd's ramblings written as a novice student of Buddhism.
My primary practice is Jodo Shinshu, yet I ramble on many spiritual topics.
Some of what follows is original, some are quotes or summations for which I provide the source.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Lessons Learned

1. BE YOURSELF. Everything in the Universe has a purpose. God does not create mistakes. When you avoid, deny, or fear your special purpose, there is disharmony. When you embrace your unique talent and share it with others, there is harmony.

2. BE INCONSPICUOUS. Conflict seeks conflict. Being 'top dog' attracts competitors. The meek and humble survive. Do your thing but don't flaunt it. Be successful but don't seek fame. Blend in. Be like water and flow around obstacles.

3. BE SELFLESS. We exist in order to help others. All life depends on life, just as the flower depends on the earth, rain, sun, and bees. The Ego only wants happiness for my imagined 'self.' My True Nature wants happiness for myself and all beings. Don't grasp. Let go. Let be.

4. BE POSITIVE. I create my own reality, every moment. Negativity only attracts more negativity. The Past (memories) and Future (expectations) are also creations of the mind. Set aside negative thoughts. Trust karma, that everything will turn out all right. Believe in a positive, nurturing, compassionate Universe. It's okay to suffer a little, struggling is how we evolve. Enjoy the ride!


Lust is like a viper hiding in a flower garden;
it poisons those who come in search only of beauty.



In studying, each day something is gained.
In following the Tao, each day something is lost.
Lost and again lost.
Until there is nothing left to do.
Not-doing, nothing is left undone.
You can possess the world by never manipulating it.
No matter how much you manipulate
You can never possess the world.

-Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching #42


Loss is not as bad as wanting more.

-Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching

Intellect vs Faith

"Knowledge, like virtue or Deity, can mask egoism and pride... if faith reflects the realities of human experience, it never suffers from more intellectual insight"

-Alfred Bloom

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Suffering from Suffering

Instead of asking: "Why do bad things happen?" ask: "What is it about me that attracts suffering?"

Instead of asking: "Did I make the right choice?" ask: "Can fear ever make the right choice?"

Suffering doesn't prove you are something, it proves you'd rather be a 'someone' who is miserable rather than be a 'no-one' who is free and happy.

Suffering doesn't validate others are wrong. It proves you'll do anything, including self-destruction, to think you are right.

Suffering from suffering doesn't prove you want to end suffering, it proves you are afraid of ending it.

-Guy Finley, "Letting Go"

Spirituality is a Paradox Big and Small

Spirituality is a Paradox
1) It makes me feel small
    I am just a speck in the timeless Universe.
2) It makes me feel big
    I am part of something much greater.


Beliefs are the finger pointing to the moon.
They are the means, not the ends.
Just as delusions are compassionate means
to understanding.

Helping Others

Everything has its purpose.
When its purpose is fulfilled,
There is Harmony.

It is a symbiotic relationship.
We are here to help each other.
That is why it is so important to help one another,
Even those we dislike.

Helping others to grow
Is how I grow.


"You can let go of trying to change other people, because you are what is bothering you about them."

-Guy Finley, "Letting Go"

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


CREATIVITY = simultaneous   interdependent   co-arising
                                    |                         |                      |
                           unconditioned     conditioned       unity

-Adapted from Deepak Chopra


Evolution is aided by Chaos and Quantum Leaps.

The purpose of Life is to EVOLVE.
The Universe does this through ME.
I can't evolve if I want to remain in Chaos forever.

-Adapted from Deepak Chopra

I Create My Own Reality

Who decides what is "good" or "bad"?
I do, not Man, God, rules, etc.
If I believe something is good,
   I will make myself feel good about it.
If I believe something is bad,
   I will make myself feel bad about it.

If I think I am good, I will reward myself.
If I think I am bad, I will punish myself.

If I rationalize or deny my true feelings,
I will find a way to reward or punish.

Rules are for those who don't trust themselves.
I stopped trusting myself when I feared my true emotions.
I stopped trusting myself when I caught my
   True Self passing judgment on my False Self.
   Not trusting, I cling to Rules.

It is up to me.
There is no good or bad. Just being.

The Four Worlds

Each is a layer of perception,
with Absolute Truth at the center:

  .d8888Y'    `Y8888b.
 .d888'          `888b.
 888P   .oooooo.   Y888
d88P   d88888888b   Y88b
888'  888P'  `Y888  `888
888   888      888   888__Creation
888   888b    d888   888
888.  `8888888888'  .888___Intention
888b   `Y888888P'   d888
`888b     ``''     d888     Cause & Effect
 `88888b        d88888'
   `8888888888888888'        Delusion

1. Creation
The world is created at every moment.
It is what it is, neither good nor bad.
The Universal Mind, Buddha-Nature, is the center.

2. Intention
The world is how I perceive it.
My perception creates good and bad.
Why do good intentions go bad?
Mind is the center.

3. Cause and Effect
Every event has a cause.
Good brings good, bad brings bad.
Why do bad things happen?
Body is the center.

4. Delusion
Things appear to happen by chance or fate.
Good and bad things happen at random.
Why isn’t life what I want it to be?
Ego is the center.