Christopher Brainerd blogs about his journey into Buddhism

This is a collection of Christopher Brainerd's ramblings written as a novice student of Buddhism.
My primary practice is Jodo Shinshu, yet I ramble on many spiritual topics.
Some of what follows is original, some are quotes or summations for which I provide the source.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Choosing and Free Will

"Free will" is an illusion.

All choices are conditioned.
Until you let go of the outcome,
   let go of the need to choose,
   and just BE.

Let your Buddha-Nature decide.
There will be no "choices" to be made.
Life just flows.

When in doubt, wait.
If you can't wait, then act compassionately.
The closer you are to your Buddha-Nature,
   the more spontaneous life is.

Free from the shackles of samskara,
your True  Will is expressed.

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