Christopher Brainerd blogs about his journey into Buddhism

This is a collection of Christopher Brainerd's ramblings written as a novice student of Buddhism.
My primary practice is Jodo Shinshu, yet I ramble on many spiritual topics.
Some of what follows is original, some are quotes or summations for which I provide the source.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Emptiness: Sunyata

Because all things are interconnected, they are not really "empty", they are infinite.

As a rainbow is connected to sun and rain.
As the moon's reflection is connected to water and moon.
All things are devoid of independent self.
Thus they are empty.
Being composed of a combination
Of innumerable causes and conditions
All things are interconnected
Thus they are infinite.

The infinite combinations of elemets
Create infinite forms
Thus everything is thusness: tathata.

Tathata is Sunyata, Sunyata is Tathata.

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