Christopher Brainerd blogs about his journey into Buddhism

This is a collection of Christopher Brainerd's ramblings written as a novice student of Buddhism.
My primary practice is Jodo Shinshu, yet I ramble on many spiritual topics.
Some of what follows is original, some are quotes or summations for which I provide the source.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Skillful Means

Skillful means without wisdom is bondage; skillful means with wisdom is liberation. Though the body may be in the world of delusion and diseased, if one gives tirelessly and abundantly, that is called skillful means. The body cannot be separated from the disease; if the disease and the body are seen as neither new or old, that is wisdom. Though the body ma be diseased, if one does not forsake the world and does not intend to enter nirvana, that is skillful means. A sick person should not adhere too closely to the though of controlling the mind. But this does not mean that the control of the mind is not necessary. Too much stress on control is putting too much importance on the virtues, but to neglect control is being foolish. The bodhisattva way is free from the two extremes; it is the Middle Path.

Vimalakirti Sutra

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